How to release emotions trapped in your body or past trauma (5 techniques)

Описание к видео How to release emotions trapped in your body or past trauma (5 techniques)

Hello, everyone!

Welcome to my channel! My name is Lia, author of the book “Transform your life: 10 steps to release what doesn’t serve you and build the life you truly want”. In this video I want to talk about emotions and past trauma and how to release it from our bodies.

Emotions are reactions that we experience in response to events or situations, normally triggered by some circumstance like feeling joy when we receive good news or fear when there is a treath. Emotions are temporary states in which we are in and are made of energy. In normal situations, we process the emotions and let them go, like when we feel treatened by a car that passes by next to us. However, when we experience deep emotions or trauma, the energy of the emotion is not always completely released and we store it in our bodies.

Over time, these emotions disrupt the flow of energy in our body and cause pain and illness. Because the energy has a negative charge, it can help turn healthy cells into damaged ones. Apart from that, storing emotions can be a burden we carry all the time, not allowing us to live our best life. We base our decisions and actions according to those emotions or the way to avoid them and feel depleted carrying the energy around.

For this reason, releasing emotions is a very important step in our healing process. It can especially help if we have an underlying health problem and it prevents mental health issues in the future.

For that reason, I show you 5 simple techniques to release trapped emotions from the body, so you can live baggage free.

I hope you like the video!


2:42 Exercise
3:26 Experience the emotion
5:20 Estimulante energy meridians
6:18 Breath work
7:02 Energy work

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#emotions #depression #trappedemotions
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Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist or medical professional. My degree is in IT an Economics and all I share is because of my own experience and the research that I’ve done. Please visit a licensed therapist if you need further support.


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