क्या SJ CAM 4000 में EXTERNAL MIC लगाने से कोई दीखत होगी क्या ? कैसे लगाये EXTERNAL MIC पुरी जानकारी

Описание к видео क्या SJ CAM 4000 में EXTERNAL MIC लगाने से कोई दीखत होगी क्या ? कैसे लगाये EXTERNAL MIC पुरी जानकारी

Hello friends my name is suraj and i live in maharashtra and i am very fond of travling and biking and i like wander with a bike ...and i also enjoy it .so i share my experience with the people of the video

Follow me on Instagram :   / travel_with_2wheel  
check my videos link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-iD...

ager apko bhi jugad krna hai to mai address de rha hun

nagpur , sitabuldi , electronic market
PH : 9370382581

Disclaimer : DISCLAIMER: Please don't go out of your way to or hate on anyone I talk about in my videos, this channel is to entertain people and I usually focus on traveling videos about what the people are doing not the individual themselves, please don't go spreading hate

thankyu ....


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