Sleep Sounds 😴 Hours of The Shipping Forecast animated with ocean waves of white noise

Описание к видео Sleep Sounds 😴 Hours of The Shipping Forecast animated with ocean waves of white noise

Close your eyes and go to sleep knowing our quiet friend will be here reading to us for a few more hours.

And please take the time to subscribe, I will be uploading more from my library of art and animation


I made this peaceful slow tv animation after reading about the shipping forecast in the New York Times.

The white noise sound of the wave came from Freesound user hansende “crashing-ocean-waves”

The edit of the shipping forecast was done by YouTuber icannotgtafreename who has many more hours of the BBC radio 4 Shipping Forecast ASMR for sleep videos available to see on their page.

If you would like to download this video and use it as an image for your channel please credit me as: Jeremiah Jones @dabblers on YouTube

Sleep Sounds: Hours of The Shipping Forecast animated with ocean waves of white noise.


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