Scythe Legendary Box - How To Pack

Описание к видео Scythe Legendary Box - How To Pack


Where are the Wind Gambit ship miniatures held?
They are in the blue box, in their original insert :) They can be seen around 4:21 in the video, underneath the Wind Gambit resolution tiles etc (which sit on top of the original Wind Gambit insert). There is some space underneath the insert where I hold the plastic stands in a baggie.

A quick guide for packing Scythe components into the Legendary Box. No third-party inserts or DIY storage solutions required!

Included components:
- Core game
- Invaders From Afar
- The Wind Gambit
- The Rise of Fenris

- Extended Board
- Modular Board
- Metal Coins
- Realistic Resources
- Promotional Cards
- 2018 Encounters Expansion


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