青春18x2 通往有你的旅程|18x2 Beyond Youthful Days| Official Trailer | 正式预告片

Описание к видео 青春18x2 通往有你的旅程|18x2 Beyond Youthful Days| Official Trailer | 正式预告片

青春,是回頭才看見的風景 🥺 #青春18x2通往有你的旅程 4月10日 一起在GSC戏院 回望 #许光汉 和 #清原果耶 18 歲時的相遇與告別 😢

Only in retrospect do we truly appreciate the scenery of youth 🥺Watch the official trailer now and join us on 10 April at GSC as we reflect on #HsuKuangHan and #KayaKiyohara's encounter and farewell at 18 in #Youth18x2BeyondYouthfulDays 😢

#青春18x2 #通往有你的旅程 #18x2 #BeyondYouthfulDays


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