Best Director Oscar Winners | Academy Awards | Film History | 1929 to 2024 | Easy to Read List

Описание к видео Best Director Oscar Winners | Academy Awards | Film History | 1929 to 2024 | Easy to Read List

From one movie lover to another, I hope you enjoy this video highlighting the Oscar winners for Best Director, awarded from 1929 to 2024.

Data Sources:

Movie Posters were sourced from The Movie Database:

1929 Oscars | 7th Heaven - Frank Borzage
1929 Oscars | Two Arabian Knights - Lewis Milestone
1930 Oscars | The Divine Lady - Frank Lloyd
1931 Oscars | All Quiet on the Western Front - Lewis Milestone
1932 Oscars | Skippy - Norman Taurog
1933 Oscars | Bad Girl - Frank Borzage
1934 Oscars | Cavalcade - Frank Lloyd
1935 Oscars | It Happened One Night - Frank Capra
1936 Oscars | The Informer - John Ford
1937 Oscars | Mr. Deeds Goes to Town - Frank Capra
1938 Oscars | The Awful Truth - Leo McCarey
1939 Oscars | You Can't Take It with You - Frank Capra
1940 Oscars | Gone with the Wind - Victor Fleming
1941 Oscars | The Grapes of Wrath - John Ford
1942 Oscars | How Green Was My Valley - John Ford
1943 Oscars | Mrs. Miniver - William Wyler
1944 Oscars | Casablanca - Michael Curtiz
1945 Oscars | Going My Way - Leo McCarey
1946 Oscars | The Lost Weekend - Billy Wilder
1947 Oscars | The Best Years of Our Lives - William Wyler
1948 Oscars | Gentleman's Agreement - Elia Kazan
1949 Oscars | The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - John Huston
1950 Oscars | A Letter to Three Wives - Joseph L. Mankiewicz
1951 Oscars | All About Eve - Joseph L. Mankiewicz
1952 Oscars | A Place in the Sun - George Stevens
1953 Oscars | The Quiet Man - John Ford
1954 Oscars | From Here to Eternity - Fred Zinnemann
1955 Oscars | On the Waterfront - Elia Kazan
1956 Oscars | Marty - Delbert Mann
1957 Oscars | Giant - George Stevens
1958 Oscars | The Bridge on the River Kwai - David Lean
1959 Oscars | Gigi - Vincente Minnelli
1960 Oscars | Ben-Hur - William Wyler
1961 Oscars | The Apartment - Billy Wilder
1962 Oscars | West Side Story - Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins
1963 Oscars | Lawrence of Arabia - David Lean
1964 Oscars | Tom Jones - Tony Richardson
1965 Oscars | My Fair Lady - George Cukor
1966 Oscars | The Sound of Music - Robert Wise
1967 Oscars | A Man for All Seasons - Fred Zinnemann
1968 Oscars | The Graduate - Mike Nichols
1969 Oscars | Oliver! - Carol Reed
1970 Oscars | Midnight Cowboy - John Schlesinger
1971 Oscars | Patton - Franklin J. Schaffner
1972 Oscars | The French Connection - William Friedkin
1973 Oscars | Cabaret - Bob Fosse
1974 Oscars | The Sting - George Roy Hill
1975 Oscars | The Godfather Part II - Francis Ford Coppola
1976 Oscars | One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest - Miloš Forman
1977 Oscars | Rocky - John G. Avildsen
1978 Oscars | Annie Hall - Woody Allen
1979 Oscars | The Deer Hunter - Michael Cimino
1980 Oscars | Kramer vs. Kramer - Robert Benton
1981 Oscars | Ordinary People - Robert Redford
1982 Oscars | Reds - Warren Beatty
1983 Oscars | Gandhi - Richard Attenborough
1984 Oscars | Terms of Endearment - James L. Brooks
1985 Oscars | Amadeus - Miloš Forman
1986 Oscars | Out of Africa - Sydney Pollack
1987 Oscars | Platoon - Oliver Stone
1988 Oscars | The Last Emperor - Bernardo Bertolucci
1989 Oscars | Rain Man - Barry Levinson
1990 Oscars | Born on the Fourth of July - Oliver Stone
1991 Oscars | Dances with Wolves - Kevin Costner
1992 Oscars | The Silence of the Lambs - Jonathan Demme
1993 Oscars | Unforgiven - Clint Eastwood
1994 Oscars | Schindler’s List - Steven Spielberg
1995 Oscars | Forrest Gump - Robert Zemeckis
1996 Oscars | Braveheart - Mel Gibson
1997 Oscars | The English Patient - Anthony Minghella
1998 Oscars | Titanic - James Cameron
1999 Oscars | Saving Private Ryan - Steven Spielberg
2000 Oscars | American Beauty - Sam Mendes
2001 Oscars | Traffic - Steven Soderberg
2002 Oscars | A Beautiful Mind - Ron Howard
2003 Oscars | The Pianist - Roman Polanski
2004 Oscars | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - Peter Jackson
2005 Oscars | Million Dollar Baby - Clint Eastwood
2006 Oscars | Brokeback Mountain - Ang Lee
2007 Oscars | The Departed - Martin Scorsese
2008 Oscars | No Country for Old Men - Joel and Ethan Coen
2009 Oscars | Slumdog Millionaire - Danny Boyle
2010 Oscars | The Hurt Locker - Kathryn Bigelow
2011 Oscars | The King's Speech - Tom Hooper
2012 Oscars | The Artist - Michel Hazanavicius
2013 Oscars | Life of Pi - Ang Lee
2014 Oscars | Gravity - Alfonso Cuarón
2015 Oscars | Birdman - Alejandro González Iñárritu
2016 Oscars | The Revenant - Alejandro González Iñárritu
2017 Oscars | La La Land - Damien Chazelle
2018 Oscars | The Shape of Water - Guillermo del Toro
2019 Oscars | Roma - Alfonso Cuarón
2020 Oscars | Parasite - Bong Joon-ho
2021 Oscars | Nomadland - Chloé Zhao
2022 Oscars | The Power of the Dog - Jane Campion
2023 Oscars | Everything Everywhere All at Once - Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan
2024 Oscars | Oppenheimer - Christopher Nolan


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