English in a Minute: On the Fence

Описание к видео English in a Minute: On the Fence

Welcome to English in a Minute!
This is a fence. Fences are used to separate two areas. But what could this idiom mean?
J: Okay, , Anna. Have you decided?
A: Yes. No. For two days I have thought about the pros and the cons. But I am still on the fence.
J: Well, you can’t sit on the fence much longer. I need a decision. Do you want chocolate cake or vanilla?
A: I don’t know.

Someone who is “on the fence” has not made a decision or picked a side in some issue. To “sit on the fence” means to be undecided. Someone who always has a hard time making decisions can even be called a fence-sitter. Originally published at - https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a...


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