UNforgettable - Naaman's Servant Girl

Описание к видео UNforgettable - Naaman's Servant Girl

Series: UNforgettable
Scripture: 2 Kings 5
Speaker: Pastor David Foss

Worship Songs:
God So Loved -    • We The Kingdom – God So Loved (Lyric ...  
There is One Gospel -    • CityAlight - There is One Gospel (Live)  

Discussion Questions:
1. What about Naaman's story strikes you as the most interesting or significant to your life today?
2. Draw out some contrasts between Naaman and the servant girl. How are they shown in contrast in the story?
3. The unforgettable character in our story is the servant girl. What role does she play in Naaman's life?
4. How is God using this story in your life today? What will you now believe, love, or do because of it?

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