Tamiya DF-02 Reboot: Restoring the Stock Tamiya Gravel Hound

Описание к видео Tamiya DF-02 Reboot: Restoring the Stock Tamiya Gravel Hound

Quick restoration and repair of a bone-stock Tamiya Gravel Hound XB from 2004.

The DF-02 is an entry-level 1/10 4WD Buggy RC Car first released in 2004 with the two assembly kit models, the Tamiya Gravel Hound (58328) and the Tamiya Rising Storm (58334). Later followed the Tamiya Plasma Edge (58399) in 2007 and the Tamiya Aero Avante (58550) in 2012.

The units in this video are the Tamiya Gravel Hound XB (57723) and the Tamiya Rising Storm XB (57731). Both released as factory assembled and ready-to-run models in 2004, same year as the release of the assembly kit versions.


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#NordicHobbyVisions Statement:
This video features homemade footage of my own hobby-grade rated (+14y) #RCCar and #RCCars from my personal RC collection. All rights reserved.


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