Trump Allies In Congress Admit They're Already Prepared To Reject This Year's Election Results

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Multiple allies of Donald Trump in both the House and Senate have made it clear that they are prepared to reject the results of this year's election if things don't go their way. Lindsey Graham and JD Vance made similar claims during media appearances over the weekend, and that came just a few days after Lara Trump, co-chair of the RNC - said the same thing in an interview. They claim that they are worried about fraud, but what they are worried about is Trump not winning, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Yesterday, Republican House speaker Mike Johnson, became the latest Republican to take their duty babysitting Donald Trump in court. But Speaker Johnson was not alone. Of course, he was also accompanied for some reason by Vik Rams Swami, the former Republican presidential candidate who dropped out months and months ago, uh, but still apparently thinks he's got a shot at being Trump's vp. So he showed up there with the Republican Speaker of the House to Coba. You know, Trump's a big toddler, so maybe takes two different people, but alongside them we're also, uh, uh, Laura Trump, North Dakota Governor Doug Bergham and Republican Congressman Byron Donalds from Florida made his way all the way up to the big city, New York, right, to accompany Donald Trump in his trial. So you got the co-chair of the RNC, you've got sitting members of Congress, you get people vying to be Donald Trump's vp, and those are just the people who showed up on Tuesday.

Folks, let's not forget that last week you had Republican Senators, JD Vance and Tommy Tuberville pop in. Laura Trump was also there. Alina Habbas sat in court every single day last week with Donald Trump to help babysit him. Uh, you have had Republican Senator Tim Scott show up because he of course is also a Republican vp, hopeful. Basically anybody who's anybody in the Republican party has done their term of babysitting Donald Trump in court. Uh, and apparently there's a lot more to you, even people from Congress, Republicans that I've never even heard of. But here's the funniest part about all this. These people think they're showing up to show Donald Trump's support, right? To show this unity, to strengthen the Republican party. That by God we're not gonna stand for this charade of a trial, and we're gonna show up here and we're gonna eyeball that jury and give him the whole stink eye the whole time.

And yeah, that's, that's dumb. That is very incredibly stupid. But that is what these morons are doing, and it's probably according to legal analysts, by the way, making Trump's position so much worse with that jury. But here's the fun part. These people are acting like these are just spontaneous shows of support, but it's not. 'cause a couple weeks ago, a report came out where Donald Trump's legal team and the Donald Trump campaign got together because they were very worried, given Donald Trump's clearly deteriorating mental state, that he was going to have outbursts in court. So at the time they said, okay, so what we should do is we should have people that he likes and trusts show up at the trial to kind of help rein him in, right? He's gonna be less likely to act out, they theorized if his friends and allies are there with him showing him support so he knows he's got somebody there, kinda like an emotional support animal, right? So these people,

You know, whether it's House Speaker Johnson, Vik, Ram Swami, Tommy Tuberville, JD Vance, Byron Donalds, Laura Trump, they're his little puppy dogs. Like, he starts feeling anxious and he's like, where's my puppy? Where's my puppy? Okay, okay, I'm good, I'm good. I got my little service animals with me here. They're keeping me calm and controlled. So this is not spontaneous. This is not because these people think this is a sham trial. They may think that, but they're not there out of the goodness of their hearts for Donald Trump.


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