Maxx Performance Budget Barra Turbo EA - Episode 1

Описание к видео Maxx Performance Budget Barra Turbo EA - Episode 1

Welcome to our Maxx performance Mini series !!

We Recently found an EA "Gem" on Facebook marketplace for $800 and it turns out the owner also had a BTR & BF Gas motor for sale for $1100 Why not put the two together and send it.

With a Budget build in mind (as cheap as possible within reason)and trying run a mid to low 10 down the 1/4 mile

This is our first episode explaining where the car came from & what our plans are. Stay tuned for more episodes with more action and where we will show you step by step - how to fit a Barra into this e-series with some little Maxx tricks on the side and all the parts & info needed to make it faasstt and fun cause that iswhat its all about !

Also just to let you guys know this is our very first attempt at making a youtube video - so please bear with us and with any suggestions with content please comment below.

With a Special thanks too

MTQ Dandenong
CRG Manifolds
Speed Parts

(Search our Facebook Page for more details!)


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