Public Health Campaign 2024 Recap

Описание к видео Public Health Campaign 2024 Recap

Hi there! We are pharmacy students from Monash University Pharmacy Society (MUPhaS).

Here we wrap up our Public Health Campaign 2024 with events and committee dinner recap vlog. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported us from our first event to this closing moment. It has been a journey filled with joy and challenges.

To our committee members, this vlog is a small “surpise” gift from the publicity department. We hope you guys like it and thanks for all the handwork and dedication throughout the event.

With this, we are honoured to say that it is an official wrap for our campaign this year! Thank you once again for being a part of this journey. Let us continue to support each other in living healthier lives. Cheers to a brighter and healthier future ahead!



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