Описание к видео TRUE STATES

True States is an exploration of electronic sound without attempting to find perfection, just having fun as ever, and this was recorded over the course of a day, with the start and the finish presented here. There was a couple of hours of recording in between but I didn't want to bore you with that.

True States is also about being true to yourself.

This takes my creativity back to Eurorack format and Erica Synths modules for sound, with the 2hp Kick keeping time as such, plus NerdSeq and the Cosmotronic compressor.

I'm not a great fan of kaleidescopes but managed to make the effect acceptable to myself for this video, and for some parts it seems like a suitable visualisation with the music being fairly psychedelic, bordering on abstract.

00:00 True States pt1
08:50 True States pt2


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