1518 - 28 08 2024 - है प्रगट पर दीसत नाही सतगुरु सैन सहारा है

Описание к видео 1518 - 28 08 2024 - है प्रगट पर दीसत नाही सतगुरु सैन सहारा है

Most scriptures state that the Supreme Power that is running this world is residing inside us. But we can't see Him. Where is he located? This question was asked by Arjuna from his Guru Vasudev Krishna. Krishna answered that He cannot be seen with the 14 sensory and other organs in this body because He is not the subject of these organs. He further said that one can see him only through a divine vision. What is this divine vision that he was talking about? We know that very few extremely acccomplished people like Rishis, Munis, Gods, Goddesses etc possess it. But does a common person too have it? Is it naturally available or do we need to meditate to attain it? Where is it in our body? How can we see the Supreme Lord through this vision? Want answers to these questions? Watch this video.

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