電視節目TV1298 以色列恩典之旅 (五) 道成肉身 The Holy Land Series (5) The Incarnation of Jesus Christ (Eng) (千古奇謎系列)

Описание к видео 電視節目TV1298 以色列恩典之旅 (五) 道成肉身 The Holy Land Series (5) The Incarnation of Jesus Christ (Eng) (千古奇謎系列)

Jesus Christ was born in a manger in a small town called Bethlehem in Israel two thousand years ago. But people around the world would remember and celebrate his birth that has made the place of his birth and growth becoming well known today. Because of his birth, Jesus has influenced millions and millions of lives of people throughout generations. All because he is the Son of God came to the world for bringing mankind return to God.



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