RTV Interview - REEL Canada I Jonathan Ng

Описание к видео RTV Interview - REEL Canada I Jonathan Ng

Heritage Regional High School had the honour of having REEL Canada at our school on National Canadian Film Day - Wednesday, April 29, 2015.

Carly & Marc-Andre had the chance to speak with filmmaker Joanthan Ng about his short film "Requiem for Romance" and his career as a Canadian animator.

REEL CANADA is a traveling film festival, a national initiative designed to bring Canadian films into Canadian classrooms. For more information check out www.reelcanada.com

National Canadian Film Day is presented by REEL CANADA and supported by Scotiabank, Cineplex, CBC and a host of film festivals, movie clubs, schools, broadcasters and industry organizations. For more information check out www.canadianfilmday.ca

On April 29, celebrate Canada by watching a great Canadian film.


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