ultrasound device

Описание к видео ultrasound device

-Electromagnetic spectrum link: فيديو
   • الطيف الكهرومغناطيسي (Electromagnetic...  

-Shockwave therapy link:فيديو
   • Shockwave therapy(كل حاجه محتاج تعرفه...  

-فيديو كيف يدرك المخ وجود الالم؟؟؟؟!!! (Introduction)
   • كيف يدرك المخ وجود الالم؟؟؟؟!!! (Intr...  

-فيديو كيفيه انتقال اللألم :
   • كيف يدرك المخ وجود الالم ؟(الجزء الثا...  

-فيديو Gate control therory & Pain modulation:
   • Gate control theory,Descending analge...  

محتوي فيديو انهاردا:
Ultrasound device is: a device which produces sound waves with high frequencies and speed faster than the sound waves
therapeutic ultrasound wave is a mechanical wave,acoustic energy and deep penetrating agent
Principles of ultrasound production:
we have 2 main principles
1-piezoelectric effect:
This includes quartz crystal or Barium titanate
creation electric voltage across the crystal as it is compressed or expanded
2- Reverse piezoelectric effect:
The crystal is compressed or expanded under the effect of electrical current.
Production of ultrasound
effective radiating area
sound wave proprtities:
Biophysical properties of ultrasound:
Propagation of ultrasound in
soft tissue as longitudinal wave
bone as transverse wave
reflection and refraction
absorption and penetration
attenuation and scattering
properties of the coupling medium
the ultrasound beam
physiological effects of ultrasound
Thermal effect
non-thermal effect
acoustic streaming
and their effect on our bodies
acoustic streaming
انتظروا الجزء الثاني غدا


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