Ungodly Laboring Demands (Exodus 1:1-

Описание к видео Ungodly Laboring Demands (Exodus 1:1-

Sermon for Sunday, September 22, 2024
Title: Ungodly Laboring Demands
Text: Exodus 1:1-2:10
Key Idea: People will forget God and exert control over others with ungodly laboring demands and restrictions.

Point 1) Ruthless Laboring Demands (1:1-14)
-As promised to Abraham, 70+ multiped and blessed (Gen 22, Exod 1:1-7)
-“Anxious” Pharoah, not remembering what God did through Joseph, wants to manipulate, control, and decrease this population through city-building
-God’s plan cannot be stopped and Israel multiplied more (Job 42, Ex 1:12)
-Times in biblical history that God’s people become like “Anxious” Pharoah by placing ruthless, oppressive demands on people (1-2 Kings, Amos 3:9)
-Warning: Worrying hearts do not go to God, forget God, and end up putting ruthless demands on those closest to us

Point 2) Ruthless Laboring Restrictions (1:15-22)
-“Anxious” Pharoah targets the womb with laboring restrictions
-Midwives feared God and found an “honest” way not to follow Pharoah’s murderous restrictions on life. Though, Pharoah kept trying
-Reminder: Supporting life (beginning to end) creates many worries, some of which are natural and others selfish. Christians minister to the world through how we care for our families and work through worries.

Point 3) The LORD’s Laboring (2:1-10)
-Amidst Pharoah’s earthshattering demands and restricts, one little family experiences God’s work in saving a baby boy, Moses
-God did not just provide comfort to that family in uncomfortable times but to give hope and comfort to the whole world in Jesus
-Reminder: While we feel like the world isn’t listening and our efforts get nowhere, be comforted that God is working still


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