Canon 8-15mm f/4 USM 'L' Fisheye lens review with samples (APS-C and full-frame)

Описание к видео Canon 8-15mm f/4 USM 'L' Fisheye lens review with samples (APS-C and full-frame)

Here's one of the most interesting and extreme lenses I've have reviewed - the king of all fisheye lenses? It's a very expensive venture if you want to go for it, but there's no doubt it could set your photography well apart from the competition. Is it really worth the hit on your wallet?

Find it here (Amazon affiliate link):

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All pictures and footage taken by me on Canon 6D and 60D cameras.

Be sure to follow my Photostream on Flickr, to see sample pictures of lenses I've reviewed and to see previews of upcoming lenses, too!

'Opportunity Walks', Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


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