How to get straighter teeth without IPR | Inside the science of teeth straightening

Описание к видео How to get straighter teeth without IPR | Inside the science of teeth straightening

Interproximal reduction is one of the most common procedures when it comes to creating space between teeth. But is it possible to get straighter teeth with non-invasive teeth treatment? Absolutely! In today’s episode, Dr. Aalok Y. Shukla explains how teeth straightening practices have evolved and how aligners work to create space needed to fix crooked teeth.

When people think about teeth straightening, they usually think of non removable braces and other invasive treatments. The main component in how to straighten crooked teeth is space - creating space to ensure all teeth have enough room to align. This is usually done in one of three ways: extraction, IPR, or expansion. The first creates space by removing teeth, the second creates space by reducing tooth size - literally shaving down the tooth enamel to make the tooth thinner and fit in line better. Expansion is the process of expanding the dental arch, using fixed braces or removable aligners, to create enough space for teeth to sit nicely next to each other.

But what can go wrong with an invasive procedure like IPR? Removing the protective layer of enamel from the tooth, the underlying dentin can become exposed, increasing sensitivity and even causing pain. Additionally, tooth shapes can change as a result of IPR, irreversibly creating not only space but gaps and unnatural looking teeth.

With modern technology coming into the scene, we now have access to non-invasive teeth straightening with aligners. Instead of IPR, the same or even better results can be achieved through arch expansion with invisible aligners at home. We can achieve up to 4.5mm of extra space for alignment to take place - and all this non invasively in three phases: expansion (space creation), alignment (straightening the teeth), and fine tuning (finishing touches to perfect your naturally straight smile).

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