EI07: Channeling Jesus & Ananda's in Chinese (Clare Wei)

Описание к видео EI07: Channeling Jesus & Ananda's in Chinese (Clare Wei)

Welcome to The Awakening Translations Community.
We are Publishing Houses dedicated to translating High Vibrational Knowledge such as Jesus and Ananda’s Teachings, channeled by Tina Louise Spalding.

Meet one of our members, Clare Wei, translator of high vibrational knowledge to Chinese. She is a student and teacher of A Course in Miracles, writher of the book “Living A Simple Miracle”. She is also a trance channel for Jesus and Ananda in Chinese.

To connect to Clare Wei:
YouTube --    / @clarewei8282  
Books and ACIM classes (Chinese) – https://love-acim.com/books/5952

00:00:00 Start
00:44:44 Channeling Jesus in Mandarin
00:58:00 Channeling Ananda in English

Book list:
Making Love to God
Great Minds Speak to You
Jesus: My Autobiography
Love and a Map to the Unaltered Soul
Spirit of the Western Way: Wake Up to Your Power - Heal the Collective Consciousness of the Western Mind
You Can Free Yourself from the Karma of Chaos
A Year of Forgiveness: A Course in Miracles Lessons with Commentary from Jesus
40 Days & 40 Nights

USA: https://a.co/d/iz20s9m and https://a.co/d/6CoKJMm
Portuguese version: In progress

If you are translation any of Tina Louise Spalding’s book to any language and wish to be part of The Awakening Translation community. Please sent as an email to [email protected]

Quote from Jesus My Autobiography (the before last paragraph of the Introduction)

" I am the one you call Jesus. I am the one who was referred to as the son of God, but I am no more the son of God than you. You are too. You are all sons and daughters of God, and we are all equal. Some are just further along the road, that is all."



Ich bin der, den ihr Jesus nennt. Ich bin der, der als der Sohn Gottes bezeichnet wurde, aber ich bin nicht mehr [oder weniger] ein Sohn Gottes, als ihr es seid! Ihr alle seid die Söhne und die Töchter Gottes – wir sind alle gleich –, nur dass einige von uns auf diesem Weg weiter fortgeschritten sind: Das ist alles!

“Yo soy el que llamas Jesús. Soy el que fue referido como el hijo de Dios, pero no soy más hijo de Dios que tú. Tú también lo eres. Todos vosotros sois hijos e hijas de Dios, y todos somos iguales. Algunos estamos más lejos en el camino, eso es todo.”
Io sono colui che chiamate Gesù. Io sono quello che è stato indicato come Figlio di Dio, ma non sono il Figlio di Dio più di quanto lo siate voi. Anche voi lo siete. Siete tutti figli e figlie di Dio e siamo tutti uguali. Alcuni sono solo più avanti lungo la strada; e questo è tutto.
“Eu sou aquele que você chama de Jesus. Eu sou aquele que foi referido como o filho de Deus, mas não sou mais filho de Deus do que você. Você também é. Vocês são todos filhos e filhas de Deus, e todos nós somos iguais. Alguns de nós estão mais adiante, só isso.”
Je suis celui que vous appelez Jésus. Je suis celui qu’on a appelé le fils de Dieu, mais je ne suis pas plus le fils de Dieu que vous. Vous l’êtes aussi. Vous êtes tous les fils et les filles de Dieu et nous sommes tous égaux. Certains sont juste plus avancés sur la route; c’est tout.

Carlos Lavado
Spanish Translator
   / @mindsherpa.editorial  

M. Eleonora Spanks
Portuguese Translator


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