怪钓组 60cm鳄雀鳝 牙齿锋利凶猛无比 太吓人 被蜂蛰了一刀 60cm alligator gar with sharp and fierce teeth. I got stung by a bee

Описание к видео 怪钓组 60cm鳄雀鳝 牙齿锋利凶猛无比 太吓人 被蜂蛰了一刀 60cm alligator gar with sharp and fierce teeth. I got stung by a bee

Alligator gar is here! 60cm long, sharp teeth, extremely ferocious! So scary! I was stung by a bee today, it hurts so much, it's a dream to fish! Entering September, the fishing situation has obviously improved. Florida has warm weather, and you can fish all year round.


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