Giovanni Valentini: In bel giardino all'aura amena e grata (Secondo libro de madrigali, 1616)

Описание к видео Giovanni Valentini: In bel giardino all'aura amena e grata (Secondo libro de madrigali, 1616)

ACRONYM & Les Canards Chantants
Eric Brenner; soprano
Owen McIntosh; tenor
Robin Bier; alto
Graham Bier; bass
Johanna Novom, Adriane Post; violins
Karina Schmitz, Kyle Miller; violas
Paul Dwyer; violoncello
Loren Ludwig; viola da gamba
Kivie Cahn-Lipman; violone
Simon Martyn-Ellis; theorbo
Elliot Figg; harpsichord and organ

concert photos from Les Canards Chantants and ACRONYM's performance at Glencairn Museum, February 2016, by Bill Coughlin and Frank Slezak
Text: Anonymous

In bel giardino all'aura amena e grata
vago amante pastor carco di duolo
cantava mesto e solo:
"Cara mia Filli amata,
io parto, empio destino,
parto e non moro e pur ti lascio il core."
E canoro augellino
rispose: "Vivi pur servo d'Amore,
e questo ti conforti,
che se lasci il tuo core il suo ne porti."

In a beautiful garden, in a pleasant and agreeable breeze,
A handsome shepherd-lover, burdened with sorrow,
Sang, sad and alone:
"My dear beloved Phyllis,
I am leaving (cruel fate),
I am leaving, and do not die, though I leave you my heart."
And a song-bird
Replied: "Live as a servant of Cupid,
And this will comfort you,
That though you leave your heart, you will carry hers with you."


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