BhaiTika - "festival for brothers and sisters"

Описание к видео BhaiTika - "festival for brothers and sisters"

Bhai Tika is one of the most important Hindu festivals for brothers and sisters. It falls on the last day (fifth day) of Tihar and is also known as Bhai Tihar and Bhai Dujh (among Madhesi communities). This festival celebrates the bond between brother and their sister. During this, the sisters worship and pray for to Lord Yama (Lord of Death), wishing for long and prosperous life of their brothers.

Legends have it that once a girl named Yamuna, whose brother was ill, prayed for his long and healthy life and when Yama, the god of death, had come to take her brother with him, she pleaded for some time to worship him (her brother). Yama granted her the wish, after which she performed a long ceremony for her brother and Yama. He was very pleased with hr and promised her not take her brother’s soul until the offerings of turf grass and the flowers remained fresh and unwilted. As the flowers and the turf grass had remained unwilted and fresh till the next Bhai Tika, Yama granted the boy a long time. Since then, the festival has been performed by the sisters for the long and healthy life of their brothers.


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