Save this Whipping Cream Loaf recipe for your extra whipping cream in the fridge! 淡奶油吐司 终极配方

Описание к видео Save this Whipping Cream Loaf recipe for your extra whipping cream in the fridge! 淡奶油吐司 终极配方

👩🏻‍🍳📢Have you had the moment that there are some extra Heavy Whipping Cream left after baking a cake? Well, if you do! This whipping cream loaf is the perfect solution! The taste is very close to Brioche! BUT, but you can skip the steps of adding butter which usually cause the extra mixing work!
I recommend you to save this recipe FOREVER!

500g Bread Flour
5g Instant Dry Yeast
20g Milk Powder
215g Heavy Whipping Cream
2 pcs Egg(~100g)
100g Milk
75g White Sugar
6g Salt

Baking : 185 C/365 F ~35mins
Cover with foil ~15 mins after baking if your oven is short
This recipe can make 2 450g/pound loaf bread

👩🏻‍🍳📢 Tips to read before you start:
*This loaf bread baking process follows the general 12 steps of making a bread.
I like divide them into 5 stages.
Stage 1: Scaling Ingredients --Mixing and Kneading
Stage 2: Primary or "Bulk" Fermentation--Punching or "Degasing"--Dividing
Stage 3: Rounding or "Pre-forming"--Benching or "Resting"--Shaping
Stage 4: Proofing (Secondary Fermentation)—Baking--
Stage 5: Cooling—Storing
*Whipping cream has a high percent of fat, so it will take time to knead the dough to pass windowpane test as well as more time to complete the first fermentation.
*Remember to cover the loaf after 10~15mins if your oven is not tall enough(not enough distance between you loaf and the oven top heating tubes)
*Watch the video till the end so you will not miss any tips and important steps!
不知道你有没有遇到过, 做完蛋糕, 总是多出来一点点的淡奶油!今天这款超级无敌好吃的淡奶油吐司就是它的完美解决方案!加入了大量淡奶油的吐司, 口感和布里欧修吐司非常的接近, 但是又省略了后加黄油这些步骤, 整体的制作过程非常的简单, 所有材料混合, 揉面,然后完成面包的一些标准步骤即可!这个配方, 用了无数次, 建议您收藏哦!好吃到爆的一款吐司!

2 pcs 鸡蛋(~100g鸡蛋液)

烘烤: 185摄氏度 ~35分钟 底部上色

*淡奶油油脂含量比较高, 所以打面和发酵时间会有所增加都是正常的哦!
*如果烤箱比较矮的话, 记得要提早盖上锡纸防止表面上色过重哦!
*做的话建议将视频完整的看完, 烘焙需要细节哦!


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