Can a 600bc ship sail to America from North Africa? | Book of Mormon Evidence

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Here we are coming to you from Washington DC with Captain Philip Beale.
Join us as we discuss his trip to Africa and his adventures in building a Phoenician ship and sailing to America.
Come as we look into the possibilities this opened up for Lehi and his family in their journey to America.
Captain Philip Beale
Philip Beale is an adventurer, maritime history enthusiast, author and public speaker.
Philip undertook his first international expedition at the age of 18 when he won a place on Operation Drake sailing on ship Eye of the Wind from Fiji and Papua New Guinea in 1979.

He read Politics at the University of Hull before joining the Royal Navy. Then, in 2003, after a 12 year career in the City of London, Philip pursued a project focussing on Indonesian cultural influence on Africa, through the building of a double outrigger vessel, which he then successfully sailed from Indonesia to West Africa via Madagascar and the Cape of Good Hope. The Borobudur Ship Expedition (Aug 2003- Feb 2004) was a voyage that some professional sailors’ thought was too dangerous and would be impossible to achieve in such a limited vessel. In 2005 he was honoured by Indonesian President, Megawati, for Services to Indonesian Culture for leading the Borobudur Ship Expedition.

In 2005 Philip conceived the idea of recreating the first circumnavigation of Africa by the Phoenicians as recorded by Greek historian Herodotus. After 3 years of research the Phoenicia was launched in 2008 at the start of the Phoenicia Ship Expedition. The recreation of the Phoenician circumnavigation of Africa was completed in October 2010 - arguably the longest voyage in a replica of an ancient ship in distance and time in modern history.
Continuing the theme of the Phoenicians being the greatest of the ancient sailors, the 2019 the Phoenicians Before Columbus Expedition was launched to look at whether the Phoenicians could have reached the Americas before the Vikings and Columbus, by sailing the Phoenicia across the Atlantic.
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