
Описание к видео φωνή

φωνή, -ῆς, ἡ (phōnē), GK 5889 (S 5456), 139x.

φωνή, -ῆς, ἡ means “sound, noise; voice”


phōnē signifies at least three ideas in the NT depending on context. phōnē can refer to an auditory effect, “sound, tone, noise.” John uses the term to refer to “the trumpet blasts” (Rev. 8:13; cf. 10:7; 14:2; 18:22). phōnē can refer to the faculty of utterance (i.e., “voice”). phōnē can also refer to a verbal code shared by a community to communicate with one another, that is, a “language.” 

(The dictionary entry is abridged from Mounce‘s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, https://billmounce.com/dictionary).

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