The NEW Langserve Chat Playground with Agents | Coding Showcase

Описание к видео The NEW Langserve Chat Playground with Agents | Coding Showcase

In this technical deep dive, we'll guide you through the exciting world of LangChain and LangServe frameworks. In 17 minutes, we'll present you with a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to set up and effectively use the brand-new LangServe Chat Playground with a LangChain Agent.

🔍 *What you'll learn:*
- Understanding the basics of LangServe and LangChain
- Setting up a LangChain Agent with LangServe
- Using the Chat Playground for interactive testing and development
- Utilizing the LangSmith Monitoring Suite to track agent runs

🛠 *Features in the video:*
- Complete walkthrough through the terminal and editor
- Demonstration of LangServe features
- Insights into the LangServe Chat Playground page
- Guide on using the LangSmith Monitoring Suite for deeper analysis

📚 *Resources:*
- Official website:
- GitHub repo with the final code:

LangServe, integrated with FastAPI and Pydantic, allows developers to implement LangChain Runnables and Chains as a REST API. This video is your all-in-one resource to get started with these powerful tools and optimize your development processes.

Don't forget to like the video, leave a comment, and subscribe to our channel to stay updated. Share it with your colleagues and friends who are also interested in developing LangChain applications!


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