2002 1103 Importance Of Thoughtlessness

Описание к видео 2002 1103 Importance Of Thoughtlessness

Excerpt from a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Los Angeles (USA) 2002 Nov 3rd
How to do meditation, many people ask. Don’t do anything, to just go into thoughtless awareness. Try to go to the thoughtless awareness. If you can get into that condition of thoughtless awareness, you’ve done your job, because that’s the point where you are with the truth, with the reality, with the joy, with everything that is so fundamental.
When you meditate, try not to make some sort of a function out of it, no. Meditation is something silencing yourself, silencing your thoughts and going to that deep ocean which is within you itself. But supposing you don’t do that, if you don’t meditate. I can make out immediately those who are meditating and those who are not. It’s not difficult for me. Those who do not meditate are always hesitating. They are confused. They can’t understand. And that’s why meditation is the most important thing in Sahaja Yoga.
Just like a light burns with the electricity flowing in it, you can see or buy because of the candles; in the same way meditation is a continuous availability of the Divine Force. That will reduce all your aspirations. Not only that, but takes out all the negative thoughts. It takes out all the discouraging things. And when you are meditating like that, thoughtless awareness, then you’ll be amazed how you are helped from within and without. It’s a terrible power that works, this thoughtless awareness. So those who do not meditate cannot go very much far with the advantage of Sahaja Yoga. One should try to meditate and go up to the point of thoughtless awareness. So what happens to you? If you are in thoughtless awareness, what happens to you is that you get the confidence, complete confidence of divinity. You know you have that. I’ve seen children coming from our school in Dharamsala, extremely confident, and extremely humble. And I asked them: “What do you do?” They said: “Mother, we meditate. We meditate in the school in the evening, and that meditation helps.” Imagine these small children can say that, so why not you also understand it, that meditation will give you security. It will give you real enlightenment and a complete connection with the Divine. Without the connection of the Divine, what’s the use of doing Sahaja Yoga?


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