Metaverse and Reinforcement Learning / AI: Opportunities and Challenges

Описание к видео Metaverse and Reinforcement Learning / AI: Opportunities and Challenges

AlbertaAI was founded by a group of passionate volunteers in September 2017. It is a non-profit organization with a vision to cultivate the Alberta AI ecosystem and connect the AI community in Alberta with the world. AlbertaAI has rapidly expanded and currently have over 600 members.

AlbertaAI has valued being part of the Alberta artificial intelligence community and have organized many high-profile AI seminars, panels, workshops, round-table discussions and training such as AI for Kids, Deep Learning Beginner / Advanced Camps, AI Entrepreneurship Camp, Data Science, Open Data, Kaggle Camp, and Meetups.

AlbertaAI is supported by the Alberta local community including UAlberta, TEC Edmonton, SAS, Microsoft, City of Edmonton, and student & community organizations. AlbertaAI has also contributed to local AI ecosystems by supporting events and activities, e.g., TusStar Alberta Incubator establishment, UAlberta International AI Summer Program, Edmonton Global AI Hub, AI4Youth Conference, Calgary AI Meetup, and Calgary Google Developer Group. In addition, AlbertaAI collaborate with international partners and have established a joint innovation centre with Shanghai Chiju to promote AI education and projects.


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