How We Feed Our Family

Описание к видео How We Feed Our Family

FlexiSpot 2-in-1 Walking Treadmill

Step into the holiday season with FlexiSpot’s brand-new walking treadmill! Use my code WP20OFF to get $20 off and start your fitness journey this December!

We are striving to provide our family with food that we know where it came from and what is in it, one of the best ways to do that is with home grown beef. Today we take our steers to freezer camp, many people have issues with this but we will never apologize for our way of life. We also get to see some of the Bradford Christmas program and of course some BMX Jumps :) Thanks for watching and God Bless!

📬Send us fan mail:
Walker Farm Fam
P.O. Box 1586
Locust Grove, OK 74352

Email the Walkers: [email protected]
For Business Inquiries, email [email protected]


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