Bruce Logan | Microbial Fuel Technologies

Описание к видео Bruce Logan | Microbial Fuel Technologies

Microbial Fuel Technologies for Renewable Power and Biofuels Production From Waste Biomass

The ability of certain microorganisms to transfer electrons outside the cell has created opportunities for new methods of renewable energy generation based on microbial fuel cells (MFCs) that can be used to produce electrical power, microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) for transforming biologically generated electrical current into transportable fuels such as hydrogen and methane gases, as well as other devices to desalinate water or capture phosphorus. In this presentation, Dr. Logan will summarize key findings in the electromicrobiological studies of the exoelectrogenic microorganisms and communities that produce electrical current, and the electrotrophic and methanogenic communities that are used to produce hydrogen and methane gases. Recent advances will be highlighted on materials and architectures that are being developed to make these different types of METs more cost efficient, which are leading to them becoming commercially viable technologies.

Special Lecture Series: AEESP Distinguished Lecture
Sponsoring Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering

Speaker Bio: Bruce Logan is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the International Water Association and the Water Environment Foundation. He is an investigator with KAUST (Saudi Arabia) and the Franqui International Chair at Ghent University (2013, Belgium); and a visiting professor at Newcastle University (UK), Tsinghua University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and Dalian University of Technology (China).


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