WP24: Professor Jay Lund on Successes and Failures in California Water

Описание к видео WP24: Professor Jay Lund on Successes and Failures in California Water

Professor Jay Lund is Vice-Director, Center for Watershed Sciences and Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Environmental Engineering & Geography University of California at Davis, a self-described failure at retirement and a major contributor to the californiawaterblog.com. He has long been one of the major voices on California water issues.

Acterra is a 501(c)(3) environmental nonprofit that serves the San Francisco Bay Area. We bring people together to create local solutions for a healthy planet. Learn more about our work to combat climate change locally at https://www.acterra.org .

In July 2024, Acterra acquired Sustainable Silicon Valley and will continue its work on advancing air quality, water management, and transportation solutions across the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are interested in air quality and water-related content, please visit their previous YouTube channel at    / @sustsiliconvalley  


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