Candid Interview With A 5 Year Old: When You Get Older And..... (Funny) - Caught On Tape!

Описание к видео Candid Interview With A 5 Year Old: When You Get Older And..... (Funny) - Caught On Tape!

Ok this I did a couple of days ago. I surprised my daughter who is quite comical herself, and told her 'Ok, I'm interviewing you for Twinpossible.' She probobly didn't know what the word interview meant but she said ok, as I promised to play Wii with her afterwards, and was willing to sacrifice a few minutes of her time in exchange for that, but she didnt know what I was going to say.

What is this about? Well, I always hear from her how she will never like boys, how I'm her best friend forever, how I always will She'll never be embarrassed by me, and will always want me around, and I wanted to ask her those questions, etc. and get her answers on the video tape, because I know years from now, she'll be shocked that she said any of it, and would deny it, untless it was documented. Hey I remember being 14, 16, 20... This is so cute for now, but too bad it will not stand the test of time.

Just thought it would be funny to not just say to her 'yeah one day I'll document that one, and show you when you are older', and actually DO IT! They are so innocent at this age, and love you whole-heartedly, that when she does tell me she hates me when she's older, I think it might just kill me.

BUT here you go. Enjoy! She is quite the charachter. You shouldn't really be bored, despite the length.

xoxo Shelly


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