Discovering Sodom Brings Historical Credibility to Bible |

Описание к видео Discovering Sodom Brings Historical Credibility to Bible |

Dr. Steven Collins has been researching and lecturing in the field of Near Eastern archeology, biblical studies, and apologetics for more than 30 years. His background as a field archaeologist and Bible scholar gives him a commanding grasp of the issues involved in researching the nature of the biblical record from both the historical and scientific perspectives. Currently Chief Archaeologist and co-Director of the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project in Jordan, his rigorous investigation into the location of biblical Sodom is the subject of a new book (TSU Press) and documentary film (in process). He lectures widely, and appears frequently on national and international television and radio programs.

Wingmen is a gathering of men with the purpose of forming transparent, Christ-centered, masculine relationships. As Wingmen, we offer men acceptance, affirmation and accountability.

Wingmen is unique in the fact that it is not an accountability group, bible study, or networking group. It is an entity that emphasizes relationships above all else. Relationships with Christ first and foremost and then relationships with other men. Our name, Wingmen, was purposeful in that fact that using military visual pictures/analogies are a powerful tool to bring home the idea of the need for masculine relationships in our lives as we conduct warfare and “spiritual maneuvers” in our daily spiritual battles. We do not dance around sensitive topics – pornography, addictions, over working, and abuse. We are a safe house — a place to get off the front lines and seek a reprieve/respite before jumping back into the battle.


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