Ali Baba Palace

Описание к видео Ali Baba Palace

Naša cesta ulicami Hurghády smerovala do hotela Ali Baba Palace ,ktorý nesie 4 hviezdy a patrí medzi najnavštevovanejšie hotely, pretože jeho okolie a vodný svet ponúka všetko to čo turista potrebuje . Prešli sme si interiér a exteriér a možem prehlásiť ,že si zaslúži pochvalu ,pretože hotel aj keď je starší tak prekypuje čistotou a rozmanitosťou. Hotel odporúčam hlavne rodinám ,pretože má rozsiahly agua park, ktorý je funkčný aj počas zimného obdobia. Z 10 bodov dávam 7. Pre viac videí nezabudni ma sledovať.

Our journey through the streets of Hurghada led to the Ali Baba Palace hotel, which has 4 stars and is one of the most visited hotels, because its surroundings and the water world offer everything a tourist needs. We went through the interior and exterior and I can say that it deserves praise because the hotel, even though it is older, is brimming with cleanliness and variety. I recommend the hotel mainly to families, because it has a large agua park, which is also functional during the winter season. I give 7 out of 10 points. Don't forget to follow me for more videos.


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