香港學生科學比賽(HKSSPC) 2021 比賽精華片段 Competition Highlight

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The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition is jointly organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Education Bureau, the Hong Kong Science Museum and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission and supported by the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences. Well supported by the academic and business community, this Competition has been one of the core government-supported programmes for fostering the innovation and technology culture in Hong Kong since 1998.
The Competition aims at promoting the interest of our youth in science and technology, developing their creativity and scientific mindset through better understanding and innovative application of science and technology, and inspiring their intellectual and career interest in science and technology. Besides, participants may be trained up with team work spirit, as well as presentation and communication skills through the research on the projects and exchange with other participants.


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