逸夫書院簡介 — 精采旅程.始於逸夫 Introduction to Shaw College: A remarkable journey starts HERE

Описание к видео 逸夫書院簡介 — 精采旅程.始於逸夫 Introduction to Shaw College: A remarkable journey starts HERE

0:00 歷史及發展 History and Development
0:55 逸夫臺 Shaw Terrace
1:14 創院初心及院訓 Founding Aspiration and College Motto
1:44 通識及非形式教育 General Education and Non-formal Education
2:38 學生分享 Sharing by students
4:24 舍堂生活及設施 Hostel life and facilities
5:19 精采旅程.始於逸夫 A remarkable journey starting with Shaw


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