Alvin Lucier - In Memoriam Jon Higgins (Liam Hockley, Clarinet)

Описание к видео Alvin Lucier - In Memoriam Jon Higgins (Liam Hockley, Clarinet)

In Memoriam Jon Higgins, for clarinet in A and slow sweep, pure wave oscillator: A pure wave oscillator sweeps the frequency range of the clarinet (130.8 Hz to 1244.5 Hz), taking 20 minutes to do so. The clarinetist plays long tones across the ascending wave, producing audible beats between the sounds of the clarinet and the slowly rising pure wave. The beats occur at speeds determined by the distances between the sounds. The farther apart, the faster the beating; at union no beating occurs. Furthermore, the beats may be heard to spin in elliptical patters through space.


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