2023年圍棋棋手必知|你不可不知的十個常見的圍棋諺語(附中文字幕)|棋癡 GO老師 Go Proverbs You Must Know Go enthusiast Teacher

Описание к видео 2023年圍棋棋手必知|你不可不知的十個常見的圍棋諺語(附中文字幕)|棋癡 GO老師 Go Proverbs You Must Know Go enthusiast Teacher









2023年圍棋棋手必知|你不可不知的十個常見的圍棋諺語(附中文字幕)|棋癡 GO老師 Go Proverbs You Must Know Go enthusiast Teacher








Hello everyone, I am a YouTuber who teaches Go, and my channel is called "Go Crazy Teacher". Every week, I post short videos that teach you how to play Go from scratch.

This video introduces common Go proverbs, which are distilled from the experiences of Go players over the years, guiding our thinking and decision-making during matches. The video begins by explaining "Don't overly emphasize thickness," emphasizing the importance of not focusing too much on thickness during an attack. It then introduces the proverb "You must extend with a two-stone head," teaching how to utilize bumping variations in formations to occupy more territory.

The proverb "Send one more stone before considering abandonment" suggests that sometimes, even with a stone that seems doomed, it's advantageous to play an extra move before considering it lost, in order to gain a greater advantage. "Their key points are our key points" discusses the strategy of preemptively playing at the opponent's intended move to prevent their action. "Similar shapes on both sides, the center has potential" reminds us that in symmetrical formations, the central position is often crucial.

The video also covers the "Three-three, four-five, five-eight, six-twelve" pattern, explaining the life and death judgments for different numbers of liberties. Then, the concept of "Attach to a 2-space stone, approach a 3-space stone; Attach to a 3-space stone, approach a 4-space stone" is introduced, highlighting the importance of correct timing in these moves, which can affect the life and death outcome.

"Play the seventh move first if six stones are dead and eight are alive" explains that in a situation where six stones are doomed and eight are alive, playing the seventh move first can be advantageous. Lastly, "Don't crawl on the second line, refrain from pressing on the fourth line" advises against overemphasizing specific lines of play, to avoid unfavorable formations. The video concludes with "Gold in the corners, silver on the sides, thickness in the center," encouraging players to prioritize claiming corners and sides before the center in the opening.

By understanding these proverbs, beginners can enhance their strategic gameplay, deepen their understanding of Go, and improve their skills.


0:00 一起來學習常見的圍棋諺語吧!
0:47 勿緊公氣。
1:39 二子頭必扳。
2:02 多送一子方可棄。
3:16 敵之要點,我之要點。
3:52 左右同型,中央有棋。
4:38 三三,四五,五八,六十二。
6:44 立二拆三,立三拆四。
7:33 六死八活七先手。
8:30 莫爬二路,休壓四路。
9:50 金角銀邊草肚皮。

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If you have gained any insights from watching this video, I hope you can help me by:

1. subscribing to my channel, liking this video, and ensuring that we are on the same page
2. sharing this video if you agree with my point of view
3. leaving a comment if you have any questions, and I will try my best to reply.
I hope to contribute to your learning journey in Go and cheer you on!


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