8 Ways To Increase Your Appetite

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8 Ways To Increase Your Appetite. When people talk about getting a proper diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the emphasis is usually placed on avoiding things such as counting calories and making sure you don’t eat too much. But what if you have the opposite problem, where you find yourself eating too little? After all, undereating can also lead to a variety of health complications and problems, such as unwanted or severe weight loss and malnutrition.

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1. Eat Small Meals More Frequently
As you can probably imagine, trying to eat three full-course meals in a day can be a serious struggle for anyone experiencing a loss of appetite. According to Arlene Semeco of Healthline, a better way to motivate yourself to eat enough in a day is to split your usual daily food intake into five or six smaller meals instead of three big ones. Keep your portion sizes small to start; as your appetite starts to improve, you can potentially start increasing these portion sizes or adding ingredients in order to maximize the calories that these meals provide. By slowly building up your hunger this way, you can hopefully train your appetite to improve gradually over time.

2. Get The Most Out Of Your Food

If you’re eating less than what is considered a normal food intake throughout the day, the least you can do in order to stay healthy is make sure that what little food your body does receive is as nutritious as possible. This means staying away from junk foods which are high in empty calories but low in any actual nutritional value. Instead, it’s recommended that you concentrate your efforts on foods that are both high in calories and in nutrients, in order to maximize the nutritional value of your meals.

3. Make Mealtime Enjoyable

One other way you can make sure you’re eating enough is by making your mealtimes something worth looking forward to. One of the easiest ways you can do this is by turning your meals into a social activity. According to Semeco, “Cooking and eating a meal with others may help stimulate your appetite more than eating alone”. By inviting friends over for dinner more often, you take your brain’s attention away from the food, which weirdly enough can potentially cause you to eat more than you normally would.

4. Use Larger Plates
Have you ever heard the expression “your eyes are bigger than your stomach”? Well as it turns out, sometimes the reverse is also true. If you’re currently struggling with a loss of appetite, seeing a big portion of food on your plate can be a little overwhelming and might discourage you from eating much. So what can you do? Well, you could reduce your portion sizes...or you could simply trick your brain into thinking the portions are smaller by serving them on a larger plate!

5. Plan Meals Strategically

For most people, mealtime doesn’t usually require that much forward thinking. People are motivated to eat by hunger, so when someone gets hungry, that’s usually when they clue in that it’s time for a meal. However, if you find yourself with a loss of appetite, that hunger might not be as prominent, and as a result, you might end up accidentally working through or skipping meal times because your hunger failed to remind you.

6. Eat Less Fiber

Fiber has a ton of necessary health benefits; heck, we’ve even done a couple of videos on the topic already! But everything should be enjoyed in moderation, and if you find your appetite has taken a hit recently, it could be that you’re eating too much fiber.

7. Make Use of High-Calorie Drinks

If you don’t have the necessary hunger to eat your calories, maybe you can try drinking them instead. Nutritious, high-calorie drinks can be a practical way to supplement meals and make sure you’re still getting enough calories and nutrients to get you through the day. Good choices for ways to drink your calories include smoothies, milkshakes, and juice made from real ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. Additionally, you can also increase your protein intake with drinks such as whole milk and protein shakes.

8. Exercise More

Calories are the body’s main source of fuel. When we exercise, our bodies burn calories. When we burn calories, we start to feel hungry again as our bodies try to replenish the calories we lost. Therefore, increasing your physical activity can also improve your appetite by increasing your levels of hunger.
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