山水畫作欣賞- 曾哲娟

Описание к видео 山水畫作欣賞- 曾哲娟

畫家姓名: 曾哲娟
畢業學校/科系: 國立台灣藝術大學造形研究所畢業
創作資歷(年): 50年
座右銘: 秉持中國人特有的人生觀、宇宙觀, 融合西方美學觀, 將她旅遊所見進行創作.
曾哲娟老師,1953年出生於新竹市,自幼對繪畫很有慧根,及長因升學壓力、長輩的反對,並未進入美術專科學習,直至1973年才進入黎明藝術中心的繪畫班修習,開啟了學習國畫之旅。2003 年進入台藝大書畫專修班,2008年台藝大造形研究所書畫組碩士班畢業。期間學習素描、粉彩、油畫,在色彩的領域中,讓曾老師領悟到運用色彩的張力可以使傳統水墨畫賦予新生命及形式,並把藝術融入於生活,以明亮色彩呈現大自然純靜美感。秉持中國人特有的人生觀、宇宙觀, 融合西方美學觀, 將她旅遊所見進行創作.
2019年神州杯”海峽兩岸書畫大賽” 優秀獎於厦門展出。
#曾哲娟​ #畫家​ #藝術家​ #第二人生​ #彩墨畫​ #悅青堂彩墨畫集​ #依利瓦​
Artist: Che-Chuan Tseng
Graduate School/Department: The Institute of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts
Creative experience(Y): 50Years
Motto: Adhering to the unique concept of life and the universe of the Chinese, integrating Western
aesthetics, and creating her travels.
Personal story (biography):
Teacher Zeng Zhejuan, born in Hsinchu City in 1953, was very knowledgeable about painting since he was a child, and because of the pressure of entering a higher school and the opposition of his elders, he did not enter the fine arts college until 1973. A trip to learn Chinese painting. In 2003, he entered the painting and calligraphy specialization class of Taiyi University. In 2008, he graduated from the
painting and calligraphy group of the Taiyi University Institute of Art. During the study of drawing, pastels, and oil painting, in the field of color, Mr. Zeng realized that using the tension of color can give traditional ink painting new life and form, and integrate art into life, presenting the pure and quiet beauty of nature with bright colors. Adhering to the Chinese people's unique outlook on life and universe, integrating Western aesthetics, and creating her travels.
Current Position:
Director of Salary Painting Association
Director of China International Art Association.
He teaches at the senior citizens' class in Donghu Community for the Elderly and at the Chinese Traditional Opera Academy.
From 2008 to 2017, Luoyang Art Museum, Shanghai Hou Beiren Art Museum, Kunshan Painting Academy.
2010 Solo Exhibition in Taipei Medical University Shuanghe Campus.
2012 Taipei City Council solo exhibition.
The Bronze Medal Award for 500 people at home and abroad in the Centennial of the Revolution of 1911 in 2011 was exhibited in Beijing.
In 2014, the 2nd Cross-Strait Painting and Calligraphy Masters Exhibition was exhibited in Fujian.
2015 Solo Exhibition by the Cultural Bureau of Hsinchu City.
2016 Solo Exhibition at Pingzhen Library, Taoyuan.
2017 Taipei Zhongyou Gallery Teacher and Student Exhibition.
The Excellence Award of the 2019 Shenzhou Cup "Cross-Strait Painting and Calligraphy Competition" was exhibited in Xiamen.
In 2020, the 3rd Cross-Strait Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition will be exhibited in Fujian.


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