You're Never Too Busy for Joy | "EDEN" an Animated Short Film by Kayla Keener

Описание к видео You're Never Too Busy for Joy | "EDEN" an Animated Short Film by Kayla Keener

You're Never Too Busy for Joy | "EDEN" an Animated Short Film by Kayla Keener

Alice and Paul are a couple beset with the worries of a busy life. But in the midst of their work, they are given an unexpected opportunity to cultivate joy.

Kayla Keener is a recent graduate from UCLA's animation workshop. Before that, she studied mathematics and visual art at the University of Chicago. She currently works as an animator at Rubber Chicken Cards where she enjoys bringing people joy and as a swimming instructor at the YMCA where she enjoys teaching children how to be brave. In her free time, you can find her foraging, reading philosophy, and peering at the margins of Medieval manuscripts.

"Eden is an attempt to encourage people to intentionally cultivate joy. I wrote it during undergrad when a few of my friends had begun to join the workforce and were seeing their work crowd out relationships that they had simply counted on to grow on their own before. Of course, these joys are gifts before they are any work of ours, but we should attend to such gifts as the treasures and till the garden we've been given to watch over." - DIRECTOR, KAYLA KEENER

LinkedIn:   / kayla-keener-b95685173  
YT:    / @canby3003  

Moni Jasmine Guo, composer,   / ;  
Topher Ngo, voice actor,   / ;  
Amelia-Ogechi Anijielo, voice actor,   / ogechiyakamma  


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