अस्सल मालवणी फिश करी | कोकणात फिरायला गेल्यावर मिळणारं घरगुती सुरमईचं कालवण Surmai Fish Curry Recipe

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सरिताज किचनची सर्व उत्पादने शुद्ध, पारंपरिक आणि केमिकल विरहित आहेत.
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अस्सल मालवणी फिश करी | कोकणात फिरायला गेल्यावर मिळणारं घरगुती सुरमईचं कालवण Surmai Fish Curry Recipe

मालवणी फिश करी रेसिपी | मालवणी पद्धतीने माशाचे कालवण | फिश करी रेसिपी मराठी | फिश करी | Malvani Fish Curry Recipe | Konkani Fish Curry Recipe | Fish Curry Recipes | Surmai Fish Curry

साहित्य | Ingredients 01:35
मासे मुरवण्यासाठी | For Fish Marination
माशाचे तुकडे ९-१० | Fish Pieces 9-10
कोकम आगळ २ tbsp | Kokum Syrup 2tbsp
मीठ चवीनुसार | Salt to taste
हळद १/२ चमचा | Turmeric 1/2 tsp
मालवणी मसाला २ tbsp | Malvani Masala 2tbsp
वाटणासाठी / वाटपासाठी | For Watan / Watap 03:00
त्रिफळा ७-८ | Trifala 7-8
धने २ tbsp | Coriander Seeds 2 tbsp
लाल सुक्या मिरच्या १०-१२ | Dry Red Chilies 10-12
ओल्या खोबऱ्याचा चव १ कप | Shredded Fresh Coconut 1Cup
कांदा मोठा कापून १ मध्यम | Onion 1med
आले १ इंच | Ginger 1inch
लसूण १५ - २०  पाकळ्या | Garlic Cloves 15-20
कोथिंबीर मूठभर | Handful of Fresh Coriander
फिश करी करण्यासाठी | For Making Fish Curry 03:28
तेल २ tbsp | Oil 2 tbsp
बारीक चिरलेला कांदा १ मध्यम | Chopped Onion 1med
उभी चिरलेली हिरवी मिरची २-३ | Slit Green Chilies 2-3
तयार वाटप | Ready Watan
गरम पाणी गरजेनुसार | Hot Water as Required
कोकमाचे तुकडे ५-६ | Kokum pieces 5-6
मीठ चवीनुसार | Salt to taste

Many people love to eat non-veg food. Non Veg food can be meat, fish, egg, crabs etc. Out of all the non veg recipes the most loved recipes are of fish. Varieties of fish available in the market. So we can make many types of recipes using different ingredients & methods of cooking. In India, Goan & Konkani fish recipes are very famous. Today we are going to make Malvani Fish Curry.We can use any type of curry for the same. Our recipe will be done in an authentic method giving it an authentic taste. Let's do it. 

How to Make Fish Curry Recipe | How to make Malvani Fish Curry | How to make Konkani surmai fish curry -
Marination - 02:02
Wash the fish well, drain out excess water
Into a bowl take washed fish pieces to this add salt, turmeric, kokum agal, Malvani masala & mix everything well, cover & let it sit for 10-20 mins
Fish Curry Watap Recipe - 03:40
Soak Dry red chilies, triphala, coriander seeds for an hr in lukewarm water
Into a grinding jar take soaked coriander seeds, triphala, chilies, ginger, garlic, fresh coriander, fresh coconut & onion, grind using some water
Our Konkani fish curry watap is ready

Fish Curry Recipe - 04:10
Into a kadai / pan heat up oil, add chopped onion & chopped green chilies, saute for 2 mins & then add ready fish curry watap & saute watap for 3-4 mins
Then add how water, salt & kokum pieces mix well, cover & cook on low heat for 7-8 mins
Then add marinated fish pieces, stir gently & cook uncovered on low heat for 5-6 mins or until fish cooks well
Lastly add fresh coriander & enjoy with Konkani Rice Bhakar / Rice roti

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Malvani Fish Curry Recipe | Surmai Fish Curry Recipe | Surmai Fry Recipe | Fish Fry Recipe | Kurkurit Fish Dry | Perfect Chicken curry recipe | Fish Recipes | Saritas kitchen Fish Curry | Saritas kitchen Fish Fry Recipe | मालवणी फिश करी | कोकणी फिश करी रेसिपी | कोकणी पद्धतीने माशाचे कालवण | सुरमईचं कालवण | सुरमई करी रेसिपी | सरिताज किचन फिश करी | फिश फ्राय रेसिपीज | मालवणी मच्छी करी |

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