Russian Pronunciation Lesson for Beginners - Vowels

Описание к видео Russian Pronunciation Lesson for Beginners - Vowels

Learn to read and pronounce Russian Vowels A, Я, О, Ё, У, Ю, Э, Е. Russian Language lessons for beginners on Weekly Russian Channel. Alphabet pronunciation - learn to pronounce Russian vowels. Russian alphabet made easy with simple examples. Learn Russian pronunciation with weeklyRussian channel. Translation of all words in this lesson is below.
так so
там there
как how
лак polish
мак poppy
я I
як yak
яд poison
яма pit

тот that
кот cat
лом scrap
дом house
мёд honey
лёд ice
ёлка fir-tree
* Final consonants become unvoiced - [d] pronounced as [t].

ум mind
дума thought/ Дума Russian Parliament
тут here
юг south
Юля name
уют comfort

это this is
эта this (fem)
этот this (masc)
ел ate (he)
ела ate (she)
ем eat/eating
мел chalk
* Unaccented O=A


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