How to care begonia plants
how to grow begonia from cuttings and also how to care begonia plant. Its a beautiful ornamental flowering plant called BEGONIA PLANT which is a favourite plant in a home gardeners collection. In this video you will learn How to grow, care and propagate begonia plant.
Begonias typically grow 1 to 2 feet tall and equally as wide. They are annuals that require yearly replanting.
There are two types of begonias: those grown from seeds, and those grown from tubers/bulbs. The seed begonias are smaller and difficult to grow, while bulb begonias are sturdier and larger plants and easy to grow. These begonia flowers come in many color options including shades of pink, white, purple, yellow, and red. They are annuals and the bulbs can be saved and replanted in later years. A very rare variety of perennial begonias alos exist. For beginners, Annual means those that complete their cycle in a year and die. Biennial means within in 2 years and Perennial means they survive more than 2 years like our common plants and trees.
Begonias are winter plants and dry or die in summer season. So harvest the bulbs or start the cuttings in mid spring season.
Well, One more point on propagation is, you can also clone begonias from cuttings. Its really simple and easy to grow. Just take a cutting from anywhere and just insert it in loose soil or just cocopeat to about 1 inch deep. The stem retains lot of moisture within similar to any succulent plant cutting and roots easily.
Now coming to the Care tips for begonia:
1. Keep them in a shaded area which receives enough bright indirect sunlight. Do not place directly in sunlight. And here, there are two leaf varieties of begonias, the red leaf and green leaf variety and the red-leaved begonias handle sunlight very well. You can also keep them indoors with a fluorescent lamp lighting.
2. Now the Soil Requirement of begnoias. They prefer a slightly acidic soil with good drainage. For begonias, less of garden soil and more of peat moss or cocopeat is better. You can also use a diluted solution of Vinegar once every 15 days. Like 1 teaspoon of vinegar to ½ a liter of water into the soil.
3. Watering requirement of this plant is same as any other plant. Check the top soil and water only if its dry.
4. Regarding Fertilizer requirement: You can add small quantity of compost like cowdung powder or even NPK 20 20 20 crystals like about 4 to 6 crystals into the pot, once every 15 days.
So there we have it folks, that was our episode on the begonia plant care and propagation. If you like the video, please hit the thumbs up or like button and also subscribe to our channel to get notified whenever we upload a new video. Happy Gardening!
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