Niillas Holmberg & Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska - Ellos Deatnu

Описание к видео Niillas Holmberg & Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska - Ellos Deatnu

LIVE at Sámi Grand Prix 2018 - Báktehárji, Guovdageaidnu 31.04.2018

Muitet máttuideamet árvvuid
Min rašes ja erenoamáš čázit ja luondu, min eatnamat leat billistuvvomin

Dat leat roggagoahtán, billistišgoahtán, dakkár leavttuin ja fámuin, ahte jáhkán min máttut livčče šluvgán oivviid ja imaštallan, mo ipmašiid sáhttet diet iežaset birgenlági goaridit badjemearastallamiinna.

Muitet min birgenlági vuođu.
Ii galgga váldit eambbo go maid dárbbaša dahje maid luondu gierdá.

Dán ođđaáigásaš eallimis dáid hušait siste lea nu álki vajálduhttit ahte olmmoš ii leat bajábeale luonddu – mii leat oassin das.

Dat lea min geatnegasvuohta áimmahuššat luonddu
Gos ihkinassii Sámis dáhpáhuvvet dakkár billisteamit – de čuohcá olles Sápmái
Danin mii fertet ovttas bargat

Ellos Deatnu lea okta ovdamearka das mo mii geahččalit seailluhit, suddjet dien oasi min kultuvrras.

Ovttas mii gal birget
Visot gullá oktii
Remember the values of our ancestors.
Our special and fragile waters and nature, our lands, are being destroyed

They are digging and destroying in such a pace and force, that I believe our ancestors would have shook their heads in disbelief, wondering how they can destroy their own foundation of life with the never ending overspending

Remember our way of life - You shall not take more than you need and what nature can give.

In this new time it is so easy to forget that humans are not masters of the nature – but part of it. It is our responsibility to take care of nature.

Wherever in Sápmi these destructions are going on, it affects our entire nation.
We have to work together.

Ellos Deatnu is just one example of how we can restore and protect our culture.

Together we survive.
Everything is connected.

- Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska, 2018
Niillas Holmberg & Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska – Ellos Deatnu

Šuokŋa ja sánit / Text & comp.: Niillas Holmberg
Luođi bidjan / Yoik comp.: Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska
Heivehan / Arrangement: Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska, Niillas Holmberg, Stein Austrud, Jan Ole Kristensen, Svein Schultz & Kristian Tybakken

Musihkkárat / Musicians: Stein Austrud, Jan Ole Kristensen, Svein Schultz & Kristian Tybakken
Govvejeaddjit / Photo: Roger Manndal, Kenneth Paulsen, Nils Ailo Utsi
Filbmenbuvttádeaddji / Video producer: Roger Manndal

Jietna / Sound by GLR, Nils Martin Kristensen
Čuovga ja lávdi / Light and stage by Tuupa Records

© & ℗ 2018 Sámi musihkkafestivála


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