Italy/Vatican-Pope And Orthodox Christian Leaders

Описание к видео Italy/Vatican-Pope And Orthodox Christian Leaders

(10 Jul 1995) T/I 10:13:51


Vatican City Natural Sound Duration: 1.52"

The leader of the world's Roman Catholics and the leader of the world's Orthodox Christians have agreed that their separated churches should heal past wounds and seek greater unity in the run-up to the year 2000.
Speaking during a Mass in St Peter's Basilica, Pope John Paul II said the start of Christianity's third millennium represented a "great challenge" for humanity and particularly for Christians. In his address to the congregation, marking the end of a three-day visit to the Vatican, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I said the time had come to close the chapter on "many afflictions and just as many humiliations".
The colourful Mass was one of the rare times in Christian history that two men with the title "Holiness" were under the same roof. The white-bearded Bartholomew was only the third Orthodox leader to meet a Pope since the Great Schism of 1054, which was sealed that same year by mutual excommunications after a host of theological disputes, not least of which was the one that had to do with the bodily nature of Christ.


Roman Catholic Cardinals and Orthodox Christians climbing steps. Orthodox priests meeting Pope. Patriarch Bartholomew I meeting Pope. Orthodox priests lining up to meet Pope. Pope and Bartholomew walking in processing down central isle of St. Peter's Basilica. Congregation. Pope and Bartholomew seated at altar. Catholic dignitaries. Ceremony. Nuns. More ceremony. Exterior of Basilica. Pope on balcony with Orthodox Christian priests. Crowd applauding. Pope speaking from balcony.

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