Описание к видео #DIY

Creating a DIY external filter for your aquarium can be a cost-effective way to maintain water quality. Here's a basic outline of how you can make one:

Materials you'll need:
1. Plastic container or a large PVC pipe.
2. Aquarium-grade silicone sealant.
3. Water pump.
4. Filter media (sponges, filter floss, ceramic rings, etc.).
5. Tubing and hose clamps.

6. Inlet and outlet attachments.
7. Optional: a pre-filter sponge.

1. Choose your container: The container you use should be non-toxic and large enough to hold your filter media. A plastic storage container or a large PVC pipe can work.

2. Create holes: you can easily put holes with screwdriver

3. Attach fittings: Use silicone sealant to securely attach the inlet and outlet fittings to the container. Allow it to dry completely.

4. Pre-filter sponge (optional): You can add a pre-filter sponge over the inlet to prevent debris from clogging the pump.

5. Place filter media: Fill the container with your chosen filter media, arranging it so water can flow through efficiently.

6. Connect tubing: Attach tubing to the inlet and outlet fittings and secure with hose clamps. The inlet tubing goes into the aquarium, while the outlet tubing returns filtered water to the tank.

7. Install the pump: Place the water pump inside or outside the container, depending on your setup.

8. Prime the filter: Ensure the filter and tubing are filled with water before starting the pump. This helps prevent airlocks.

9. Test and adjust: Turn on the pump and make any necessary adjustments to the flow rate.

10. Regular maintenance: Clean and replace filter media as needed to maintain water quality.

Remember that aquarium filtration is crucial for fish health, so monitor water parameters and make adjustments as necessary. Safety is also essential to avoid any leaks or electrical hazards.... #plantedaquarium #viral #trending #diy


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