YANGIRIYE IMBABAZI BY M.Jonathan Ft Gedeon Byiringiro

Описание к видео YANGIRIYE IMBABAZI BY M.Jonathan Ft Gedeon Byiringiro

I praise Jesus for He atoned for me
He gave me peace with the Father
He took away my sins
As the heaven is far from the earth, so he took away my evil and gave me his righteousness
It is by his grace that I received these things
No, I didn't pay any price for them

I praise Jesus because he agreed to sacrifice himself for the wicked,
and I am the first among them
I, a sinner, he had mercy on me.

I praise Jesus because he agreed to sacrifice himself for the wicked,
and I am the first among them
I, a sinner, he had mercy on me.

Jesus, where should I start talking about him?
He is greater than Adam. God-man in full
He is greater than Isaac. The pure lamb of God
He is greater than Moses, the leader of his people
He is greater than David, the King of the Church
The Church he bought with blood, at a high price
That blood is not silver or gold
That blood does not perish, does not spoil
That blood cleanses the defiled to make them pure
They become alive, bearing good fruits
The Holy One dwells in them

I praise Jesus because he agreed to sacrifice himself for the wicked,
and I am the first among them
I, a sinner, he had mercy on me.

I praise Jesus because he agreed to sacrifice himself for the wicked,
and I am the first among them
I, a sinner, he had mercy on me.


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